John, as an investor, would like to calculate the company’s market capitalization and its earnings per share. Several factors can cause a company’s number of outstanding shares to rise or fall, with one of the most common being stock splits. If there is a difference between the number of shares issued and outstanding, the difference is treasury stock. In other words, a company has issued shares and then bought some of the shares back, leaving a reduced number of shares that is currently outstanding.
Weighted Average of Outstanding Shares
The float gives valuable information to investors, like how a company may proceed in the future if it determines it needs more money or the ownership structure of the company. A widely held opinion is that when these companies are repurchasing shares, they tend to do it when they have a lot of cash. This usually means that they are performing well and have been having success. While there seems to be an abundance of positive effects through a share repurchase program, there are still some things that businesses should keep in mind before implementing one. As a result, the company may initiate a repurchase program to buy back some of its stock. Also, the figure will change when other financial instruments, like employee stock options, are converted into shares.
Adjusting for Stock Splits and Stock Dividends
- In other words, a company has issued shares and then bought some of the shares back, leaving a reduced number of shares that is currently outstanding.
- Preferred stock is a special class of shares that is generally considered a hybrid instrument, including properties of both a debt and equity instrument.
- If a company has no warrants, convertible bonds, or directly issued stock options, the fully diluted share count will be the same as the outstanding share count.
- Lowering the number of these shares may inhibit liquidity, but it may also deter short sellers from the stock because of the difficulty of borrowing the shares.
The term outstanding shares refers to a company’s stock currently held by all its shareholders. Outstanding shares include share blocks held by institutional investors the accounting definition of sales invoice and restricted shares owned by the company’s officers and insiders. A company’s number of outstanding shares is not static and may fluctuate wildly over time.
Relevance and Use of Shares Outstanding Formula
The SO number will decrease if the company buys back its shares under the buyback program. The buyback increases the market value of the existing shares in the open market. It also raises the company’s earnings per share figure (EPS) since earnings are divided by a smaller number of shares. A share repurchase generates a higher income per share, making each share more valuable. Overall, the number of shares outstanding, the metrics you can calculate from it, and related metrics — like the float — provide key insights to investors.
Outstanding Shares and Share Repurchase Programs
It is a less-commonly used number in the financial reporting of privately-held businesses. On the other hand, share buybacks or reverse stock splits would decrease the outstanding share count. Over time, as a company issues more stock options, the firm’s total number of shares outstanding will increase due to employees exercising their options. In the above example, if the reporting periods were each half of a year, the resulting weighted average of outstanding shares would be equal to 150,000. Thus, in revisiting the EPS calculation, $200,000 divided by the 150,000 weighted average of outstanding shares would equal $1.33 in earnings per share. If a company considers its stock to be undervalued, it has the option to institute a repurchase program.
The balance sheet is one of the key documents that investors use to evaluate a company, so it’s important to become familiar with it. The number of shares outstanding of a company can be found in its quarterly or annual filings (10-Qs or 10-Ks). At the time, GE discussed plans to split into three companies and to divest from many businesses. They determined that reducing their share count from nearly 8.8 billion to roughly 1.1 billion better aligned with this vision (1).
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Since the number of outstanding shares is increasing, the liquidity of the stock increase too. However, although the total number of such shares is increasing, the total dollar value of these shares remains constant because a stock split doesn’t change the value of a company. As an investor, finding out a company’s number of outstanding shares could be a key piece of information when considering investing in the company. For this reason, the SEC requires all public companies to report their outstanding shares in their filings to the SEC, which is public information. However, since there are fluctuations in share counts between different reporting periods, many companies use a weighted average to express the figure.
The fully diluted SO number tells you how many shares can potentially be issued. These statements are available on companies’ investor relations pages or the SEC website. The information is also available on stock data websites like Stock Analysis. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. These individuals have no real intention of selling the stock; if they do, they must inform the public of their decision.
Using the weighted average method to calculate outstanding shares is consistently accurate, even when the amount of shares changes over time. Most blue-chip stocks have an increased number of these shares due to multiple shares splits over their long operational create custom invoice templates using our free invoice generator history. As a result, they account for a steady increase in the global market capitalization and growth in investors’ portfolios. This means that every share investors held before the split will now have double or triple the number of shares.
Austin has been working with Ernst & Young for over four years, starting as a senior consultant before being promoted to a manager. At EY, he focuses on strategy, process and operations improvement, and business transformation consulting services focused on health provider, payer, and public health organizations. Austin specializes in the health industry but supports clients across multiple industries.
Therefore, if a company owns any diluting securities, that would indicate a potential increase in the number of shares outstanding in the future. Another reason a company might want to repurchase shares is to eliminate shareholder dilution from future employee stock options or equity grants. Since a company is lowering the number of shares outstanding when performing a share consolidation, the price of each share should rise in value. On the balance sheet, there is a line item description that states the number of shares outstanding.